Mastering Intimate Partner Violence and Coercive Control in Family Law with Attorney Elizabeth A. Parker and Dr. Deborah Gilman

Attorney Elizabeth A. Parker and Dr. Deborah Gilman led a 4-hour training that provided family law professionals with the knowledge and skills to identify, understand, and address these critical issues in compliance with Kayden’s Law.
Intersection of Psychology and Family Court Panel Moderated by Attorney Elizabeth A. Parker

Attorney Elizabeth A. Parker moderated a panel discussion that provided a comprehensive look at family dynamics, the nuances of psychological disorders and traits, and the crucial role of court-involved therapy. Attendees learned how legal and mental health professionals could collaborate to support families and prioritize the well-being of children.
Bob Served as Moderator at the Pennsylvania Bar Association Family Law Section’s Winter Meeting on Closely Held Corporations

Bob Raver moderated a panel on “Consciously Uncoupling” Closely Held Corporations at the Pennsylvania Bar Association Family Law Section’s Winter Meeting. Learn more about the valuable insights discussed.
Partner Robert D. Raver Presents Equitable Distribution in Divorce for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute

On June 2, 2023, Bob Raver served as a panelist for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s (“PBI”) Equitable Distribution in Divorce presentation. PBI describes the course, which is still available, as follows: Complex fact patterns arise in numerous cases. The difficulty becomes how to present the facts in a positive manner or how to defend the […]
A Panel Discussion on the Challenges and Solutions for Third-Party Caregivers, Moderated by Attorney Elizabeth A. Parker

More and more grandparents are stepping up to raise their grandchildren, but navigating legal issues around health care and custody can be a real challenge. Attorney Elizabeth A. Parker led a panel of experts at the Allegheny County Bench-Bar Conference to shed light on this complex topic, offering practical guidance and resources for families and practitioners alike.